Marilyn Monroe once said “Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.” When a woman puts on nice shoes, she gets an overwhelming confidence that makes her feel she can do anything. But for some people here in New Zealand, while the rest of the world obsess over shoes, going barefoot means entirely something else.
During my first visit to the grocery store, I noticed that some people didn’t wear shoes. Adults and kids alike were walking barefoot while they’re out shopping. I was utterly shocked and was left wondering why this was so. Even though it’s summer season, the floor inside the store was considerably cold and at times wet. I heard that even during winter, they would walk down the sidewalk, across paved streets and into shops completely barefoot. So, I asked the big question, WHY?
Also, isn’t it unhygienic to do so? I can’t imagine walking the streets where some people may possibly spit on. But surprisingly, one of the reasons why Kiwis (New Zealanders) walk barefoot is their sense of assurance that nobody would do the above-mentioned. They’re confident that the land where their feet rest are clean enough. According to a teacher I met, kids would spend their whole day in school barefoot. That includes being in the classroom, laboratory, field, restroom etc. The more comfortable the children felt, the better it was for everyone.
また、不衛生ではないでしょうか?もしかしたら唾を吐く人がいるかもしれない道を歩くなんて、想像もつかない。 でも、意外なことに、キウイ(ニュージーランド人)が裸足で歩く理由のひとつは、上記のようなことをする人はいない、という安心感なのだそうです。 自分の足が置かれている土地が十分に清潔であるという自信があるのです。私が会った先生によると、子供たちは学校で一日中裸足で過ごすそうです。教室、実験室、グラウンド、トイレなどでの生活も含めてです。子どもたちが快適に過ごせれば、誰にとっても良いことなのです。
Another reason I learned is that this custom of going barefoot meant that you are connected with the Earth. It is a way to respect nature which is something the Māori people, the indigenous people of New Zealand, strongly believe in. Kiwis love the great outdoors. Whether they’re at the beach, the mountains, the countryside, New Zealanders are always close to nature. Studies show that being with nature improves mental health and reduces anxiety, stress and depression. No wonder they want to get as close to nature as they can by going barefoot.
Here in New Zealand, wearing footwear seems to be an optional fashion accessory akin to sunglasses or a hat. With their laid-back attitude, having anything on their feet is socially irrelevant.
How much did you say those Jimmy Choos cost? A Kiwi’s feet and all its calluses is the best luxury anyone can afford.
Thus, I am not sure if I’d “shoes” to conquer the world, or have better mental health by being one with mother earth. What about you, can you go into public toilets barefoot?
最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございます。以上がカルチャーショック!ニュージーランドで裸足になることでした。それではSee you around!