

RYO英会話ジム代表: 横田涼


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2. レッスン内で発言内容の見える化&添削
3. 課題と改善策の具体化、目標レベルまで伴走
4. 英語コーチング業界最安値、高品質





Hello, readers! My name is Paddy, and I would like to tell you about the baby shower that my wife and I celebrated recently. If you don’t already know, my wife Francine is 28 weeks pregnant with a baby boy. Last March 11th to 12th, our Filipino friends here in Japan decided to have a baby shower for our baby and the baby of another friend. It was a double baby shower!

Difficult words: baby shower (a party for woman who is expecting a baby, wherein friends and relatives usually bring gifts and express good wishes for the child)








Since the baby shower was held at our Filipino friend’s house, all of the guests were invited to stay overnight. The dinner for the party was potluck. So on the night before the baby shower, Francine and I went shopping at Trial supermarket to buy ingredients. Although Trial is a long walk from our apartment, we always go there because the prices are cheap.

That night, my wife prepared spareribs, carbonara pasta, and lumpia (Philippine spring rolls). Our Filipino friends love my wife’s lumpia, so she made a large batch!

Difficult words: potluck (a group meal where each guest brings food, usually homemade, to share)








On March 11th, we took the train and the bus to go to our friend’s house in Tarumi, Hyogo. When we arrived, we helped our friends set up the decorations of the party. Francine and I pumped air into balloons, and I assembled see-through boxes. Later when all of the guests had arrived, we set up the decorations in front of the kitchen counter.

The most creative decoration was the diaper cake. It was not a real cake; rather, it was made of rolled-up diapers. It looked really amusing! The diapers were also part of the gifts. When the party was over, Francine removed each diaper from the cake and kept them for future use.

Difficult words: set up (to prepare for something by putting things where they need to be), assembled (to connect or put together the parts of something), amusing (causing laughter or enjoyment: funny or enjoyable)




難しい単語:set up(必要な場所に物を置くことで何かを準備する)、assembled(何かの部品をつなげる、まとめる)、amusing(笑いや楽しみを引き起こす:面白い、楽しい)。




When all the decorations were set up and all of the food preparations were complete, it was finally time to eat. The dinner table was full of food, mostly meat. Aside from the lumpia that Francine prepared, there were other Filipino dishes such as adobo, bulalo, and escabeche.

Adobo is a stew of pork simmered in a marinade of soy sauce, vinegar, black pepper corn, garlic, and bay leaves. Bulalo is a soup consisting of boiled beef with bone marrow and vegetables. Escabeche is a Spanish dish composed of fish marinated in vinegar and spices. Since there was so much food to eat, everyone got full immediately.

Difficult words: simmer (to cook something so that it is almost boiling for a certain period of time), bone marrow (a soft substance that fills the bones of people and animals), marinate (to put meat or fish in a sauce for a period of time to add flavor or to make the meat or fish more tender)




難しい単語:simmer(一定時間煮る)、bone marrow(人や動物の骨を満たす柔らかい物質)、marinate(肉や魚を一定時間ソースに入れて味をつけたり柔らかくしたりすること)




After dinner, one of our Filipino friends led the party activities. She was the Master of Ceremonies or M.C. for short. We played some baby-themed games such as feeding baby food and milk to another person while blindfolded. This game was very difficult because you couldn’t see the mouth of the other person while feeding him. You could only touch and feel. I was too slow in putting food and milk in my friend’s mouth, so we lost the game.

We also played “pregnant” limbo rock where all the men placed a balloon under the t-shirt to look pregnant, then walk under a bar that got lower and lower after every round. The goal was to pass through the bar without touching it. The game was extra challenging because all men had a large stomach due to the balloon.

The next activity was gift-giving. My wife and I were very happy to receive many gifts from our friends. Aside from the diapers, we also received some baby clothes, and an expandable bag that turns into a baby bed. It is good for traveling with baby! We also received a Nioi Poi, which is a special garbage can for disposing diapers. It prevents foul odors from leaking.


夕食後、私たちのフィリピン人の友人の一人がパーティーのアクティビティーをリードしてくれました。彼女はMaster of Ceremonies、略してM.C.でした。目隠しをしたままベビーフードやミルクを与えるなど、赤ちゃんをテーマにしたゲームをしました。このゲームはとても難しく、相手の口が見えないので、触ったり感じたりすることしかできません。触って感じるしかないのです。私は友人の口に食べ物やミルクを入れるのが遅すぎたので、このゲームには負けてしまいました。

また、”妊婦 “リンボーロックでは、男性全員がTシャツの下に風船を置いて妊婦に見せ、1周するごとに低くなるバーの下を歩くというゲームをしました。目標は、バーに触れることなく通過することでした。このゲームは、風船のせいで男性全員がお腹が大きくなっているため、特に難易度が高かったです。


難しい単語:pregnate(体内で赤ちゃんが育つ)、expandable(サイズや範囲、量が増える:大きくなる)、dispose(何かを捨てる:処分する)、foul odor(不快な臭い)、leak(液体やガスなどの:表面の穴から入る、出ていく)。




My wife and I really enjoyed the baby shower. It was our first time to experience such an event. We greatly appreciated all the gifts and fun activities that our friends prepared for us and for the other pregnant couple. Even if we are away from the Philippines, our Filipino friends made us feel that we have a family here in Japan. We really feel that our baby has a happy community waiting for him.

How do Japanese people celebrate the coming of a baby? Do you have baby showers, too? What kind of party is it like? Please share your experiences below!

Difficult words: appreciate (to be grateful for something), community (a group of people who have the same interests, religion, race, etc.)











最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございます。以上がフィリピン式ベビーシャワーを日本で開催!お祝いの文化を分かち合おうでした。それではSee you around!







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