

RYO英会話ジム代表: 横田涼


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When I was an elementary school student, I used to make my own wedding invitation that says “you are cordially invited to the wedding of” and would put a make believe restaurant with the name “Le Cirque” as the reception venue. I dreamed of being married in the Eiffel Tower and I got excited daydreaming when I was young. At an early age, I started being in love with the idea of love and fairy tales. How did I become a hopeless romantic? I blame it on all the novels and movies I have read and watched.







In high school, I still kept making wedding invitations and dreamed of having a fairy tale wedding and a beautiful gown just like what Disney Princesses wear. In my 20s, I imagined a destination wedding to an island like Okinawa because I watched a Korean drama where a couple got married atop a beautiful mountain surrounded by an azure majestic ocean and the bride was wearing a gorgeous wedding gown with a long veil. That was just perfect! You see, I was a daydreamer.  

Now, I am almost 39. Everything has changed; my interests, my dreams, my perspectives, and even my personality. I don’t care about a grand wedding anymore and everything I had wished for when I was young. Nearing the age of 40 made me realize what matters most, to have someone to spend the rest of your life with for the good times and the bad. 

Let me share just a little bit of a backstory on how I met my husband. We met each other on a dating app at a time when I was not exactly looking for love back in 2015. My friends even had a bet on how long we’re going to stay together, some said for two weeks and some said for months. Nobody ever thought we would last long. Who knew we would be together for almost nine years now. I still vividly remember the first time we met and it still brings a big smile on my face. Most of all, I am blessed that I married the person who has stayed with me through all my ups and downs. I am not a relationship expert, but being together through a lot of life’s highs and lows strengthened our bond. 








But enough of our story, I want to share our DIY wedding ceremony.  But first let me tell you the reason why I wanted to be a June bride, it’s not really to jump the bandwagon but because June is my favorite month since it is my birth month. I intentionally selected the date June 9 for our wedding as we became a couple on the 9th of January. Thus, 9 will always be a special date for us, and believe it or not, every ninth of the month, we still greet each other “happy monthsary”. I know it’s really cheesy, but it’s also sweet. And because it is also my birthday in June, we will have double celebrations, isn’t it exciting?






My husband and I decided to have a civil wedding rather than a church wedding. In the Philippines, a civil wedding has become more and more popular recently. So why did we choose this kind of wedding? Aside from the fact that we don’t want to spend a lot of money and we value practicality, another significant reason is that my mother works for the Supreme Court of the Philippines.

This is personal to me as we got married at my mother’s courtroom wherein a municipal judge officiated the wedding. It was solemn with less than 30 guests which are all our family members and relatives. It’s unbelievable how much the total cost of the registration and other fees were, well it’s just almost 9 dollars, and as the judge stated, for this small amount, we are legally married. It was definitely a good decision. 



After the wedding ceremony, we signed documents together with our principal sponsors. Then, there was picture taking with our families, relatives, and the sponsors. We headed straight to the venue which was two towns away from where we got married. The reception venue was just perfect for us, the decoration was simple and the place was vintage. We were really happy about how they decorated the place. And to be honest, the venue and the food were actually the most expensive part of our wedding. We selected the menu with a complete course which cost around 11 dollars per plate. The food menu was as follows; cream of mushroom soup, green salad, buttered vegetables, beef stroganoff, pork stew, roasted chicken with rosemary, and creamy sweet potatoes for dessert. We are ecstatic that all the guests enjoyed the food. And the best part, my brother gifted us lechon which is one of the most famous Filipino dishes served on special occasions. 

As for the souvenirs, we opted to give our principal sponsors personalized chopping boards and cast iron pans since my husband and I love cooking. For the other guests, we gave ref magnets and tote bags. In addition, the dress code was blue since we love this color. 

Generally speaking, I decided the date to get married, the place, the venue, the food, the music, the souvenirs, the bouquet, the name tags in the tables, the wedding invitation, the seating arrangement, and all the other small details. Fortunately, my husband made an effort to contribute with the decisions. Luckily, I was able to get all the help I could get from my first brother who took pictures and videos and arranged the wedding playlist and his girlfriend who designed the name tags, my second brother and sister-in-law who decorated the souvenirs, and my sister and cousin, who ushered the guests and helped with everything. I tried as much as I could to make everything perfect without a wedding coordinator, but of course, a few unexpected things occurred. Even though a few guests did not attend, overall, it was an exceptional day for my husband and I. We were also beyond grateful for all the cash gifts we received.

All things considered, we all deserve to have our dream wedding, but in the end, what truly matters is the person we are going to spend the rest of our life with and to honor the sanctity of marriage and the vows we promised our spouse. 

















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