- 語彙
- 文法
ステージ5 ほとんど問題なく自然なコミュニケーションを行うことができる
Miss Mariko was participative. During the small talk, she answered all the questions and shared a lot, too, especially about her work. She exerted effort to communicate her ideas clearly.
Even though she had some difficulties finding the correct vocabulary words, she was still able to convey her ideas across. While answering the questions, she was able to answer the questions appropriately.
In terms of areas to improve on, she still has to work on grammar (articles, prepositions, verbs, word order), enrich her vocabulary knowledge, provide logical ideas, practice fluency, and be more confident in speaking.
Overall, I commend her for doing her best today and through practice she will be able to converse confidently and spontaneously.
発言された返答については、わかりやすい単語でアウトプットできておりよかったです。さらにご自身の語彙力や表現力をアップするためにCoach’s versionを参考にしてインプットして、音読まで落とし込んでいきましょう。
like living in the city because my hometown Osaka is a big city, so when I’d like to go shopping and I’d like to go to the cinema, there are many shops and many spots I can go. But now, I’m living in Saitama, which is not a city. Now I can’t go anywhere I want to go. It is inconvenient.
I would rather live in the city than in the suburbs. My hometown Osaka is a big city. Thus, there are many establishments such as shopping malls and cinemas. Therefore, I have a lot of options to choose from. However, now, I am living in Saitama which is not a city and there are not a lot of establishments to go to which is very inconvenient for me.
最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございます。以上が2022年8月にご入会いただいた生徒様でした。それではSee you around!