
最初に到着したとき、私はまさにこの国が想像していたものを見ました – 道路沿いを走ると、目が届く限りの牛や羊の群れがいました。そして、私には気付いたのですが、なぜ彼らが自由に草原を漫遊しているのか、キツネやハイエナ、クマや大型野生ネコなどの天敵がいないのでしょうか。

When I first arrived, I saw exactly what I had imagined this country to be – as you drive along the road, there were herds of cows and sheep as far as the eye can see. And then it had dawned on me, why were there so many of them roaming freely on wide fields of grassland? Aren’t there predators such as foxes, hyenas, bears or big wild cats that can attack them?
Having no predators in a country means that there are no natural predators that exist in that particular geographic region. This means that the population of prey animals in that country may grow unchecked, as there are no natural predators to control their numbers.
This can have a significant impact on the vegetation and the landscape of the country. In some cases, the overgrazing of certain areas by these herbivores has caused significant environmental damage. Where cattle graze, trees have a difficult time to establish themselves and grow. They can trample young trees, damage their roots, break the branches, and eat the leaves.

Apparently, because of New Zealand’s isolation, when it was separated from other land masses, the land allowed its wildlife to evolve in the absence of predators until human-introduced pests entered the country. Which is why New Zealand is home to more flightless birds than any other country in the world. Aside from a couple of tiny bat species, there are no other predators to eat the native birds – which is why some of them never learned to fly.

Because there are no predators in New Zealand, you can camp out and kayak on lakes without ever worrying. But even though it might be tempting to swim in the clear waters of NZ, watch out for any signs that would stop you from doing so. Some of them are considered sacred so swimming is not allowed. Additionally, this may also have environmental impacts, such as pollution or disturbance of fragile ecosystems, which can further harm the spiritual significance and cultural importance of the body of water.

It is through this thoughtful steps and care put into caring for the environment that in turn helps preserve the native wildlife which has become crucial to New Zealand, particularly in safeguarding endangered species from extinction. Overall, the absence of predators in New Zealand has had a significant impact on the country’s ecosystem, creating a possible cause for extreme flooding, leading to unique adaptations among native species, and calling on those who love the great outdoors.
What country has no predators?When you think of New Zealand, what’s the first thing that pops into your head?
Personally, I had never heard of New Zealand until I chanced upon the famous book turned movie called Lord of the Rings. After that, I became aware of some cheese and milk made in New Zealand therefore thought that this country is teeming with cattle and sheep. Have you thought so too?