
From Virtual to Physical, Students to Friends

フィリピンのパンパンガ出身。IELTSを受験し8.5点をマーク。韓国系語学学校で1年間勤務。その後、hanasoオンライン英会話で講師、トレーナー、人事マネジャーとして5年間の経験を得たあと、マカティのPJLink英会話にてヘッドコーチ及びトレーナーとして2年間勤務。 現在はRYO英会話教室の運営とフィリピン現地駐在員の方へプライベートレッスンを提供中。

More than a year has passed since we started doing Ryo’s Eikaiwa.Truly, our relationship has gone beyond the professional level and has blossomed into “Life-Friends”.

I am sure whatever happens to Ryo’s Eikaiwa, we always got these people’s back and vice versa.But regardless of this, during class, I make it a point to keep the quality of teaching up to par.Besides, that’s what brought them to us. :DLast December, I finally got the chance to meet three of our valued students. Let me share with you how the meet-ups went. (I got their permission to post their photos)



MEET C-san

C-san is one of the first ever students of Ryo’s Eikaiwa, which means, she has been consistently taking my lessons twice a week for almost 2 years now. C-san is very bubbly, cheerful, positive. Not to mention, eager to learn.

She drove for more than 3 hours, all the way from Nagoya to Osaka just to meet me. (and her friend I think who lives in Kishibe) hahaRyo and I are very grateful for loyal students like her. It goes to show that we are doing our job right.




MEET Y-san

Y- san has been with us for more or less 7 months now. Just like C-san, she also has a bright personality.

We actually met on Christmas day. That was in fact my first time to spend Christmas away from my family. Nevertheless, I had a great time with Y-san. She showed me around Umeda, and took me to Depachika, which I really love. We enjoyed trying free food samples, ice cream and even sake. 😀

After which, we went to her office to have coffee and talk more. She even showed me the spot where she usually takes my lesson. 😀 (isn’t that funny?)She is a big fan of Michael Jackson, and I felt lucky to see some of her MJ collections.



MEET A-san

A- san and I share the same age, so we can easily relate and connect to each other about a lot of things.She is the first student who stayed at our place for a night. I picked her up at the train station and the moment we saw each other, we instantly clicked. There were no awkward moments or any kinds of uneasiness. We are very similar in more ways than one.

We met in Japan at first, then in the Philippines a month after. 😀




This year, we are hoping to meet more of our students. And we are looking forward to getting to know them more on a deeper level :DSee you soon!







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