
The “Ys” go to Nara

フィリピンのパンパンガ出身。IELTSを受験し8.5点をマーク。韓国系語学学校で1年間勤務。その後、hanasoオンライン英会話で講師、トレーナー、人事マネジャーとして5年間の経験を得たあと、マカティのPJLink英会話にてヘッドコーチ及びトレーナーとして2年間勤務。 現在はRYO英会話教室の運営とフィリピン現地駐在員の方へプライベートレッスンを提供中。

Hi there readers~~ It’s been a while!

As you all may already know, we are back in the Land of the Rising Sun, Japan. And it’s winter here… super cold!.. at least for me, who is not used to this kind of weather…. yet! I hope soon though. 😀

Ryo and I went to Nara, Japan a couple of weeks ago. We booked a 3-day, 2-night accommodation using Airbnb.

The room is pretty nice, very cozy and so relaxing 🙂 It’s just a 5- minute walk from Nara station. There are a lot of good restaurants and convenience stores nearby. And it’s 20 minutes away on foot (which is a good exercise) from Nara Park and the famous Nara temples. What else do you ask for? 😀

sorry for the mess 🙂
Look who’s pretending to be busy 😀


The weather was actually bad on our first day. It rained pretty much the whole day so we decided not to go out and spend the rest of the day in our mini room. Not to mention, I had some classes late in the afternoon on that day. It’s so nice that I get to travel and teach at the same time. 🙂

At Osaka station

with a cup of joe! Hot coffee has become my BFF in this cold weather
oh Nara deer 😀

At Nara Station

To be honest, I was surprised to see how modern-looking and stylish it is. On the train ride to Nara, what I saw were vast rice fields (not sure if that’s rice though haha), mountains, trees, in other words, nature which means very countryside- looking. But, I was mistaken. Nara is really beautiful, developed, and at the same time you still get that countryside feeling. (I hope you get what I mean haha)

See the umbrella?

DAY 1 (dinner)

My favorite!! Eating time! Got ourselves a feast! We had nabe, which was insanely delicious, sashimi (fish), my all time favorite Japanese food, yakitori, which suits best with beer and high ball, and to top it all off, another kind of sashimi (horse meat).. Oh yes! got to try that too.

Where the magic happened (in my tummy) 😀
Their best seller (NABE).. want to eat this again and again and again!
The sashimi (salmon), a walk in the park for me!
(drum roll) HORSE MEAT SASHIMI! not bad I must say, but I was a little hesitant at first.



The “weather” odds were in our favor. The weather was perfect!! 😀 .. and you know what that means!… Time to go around. On our 2nd day, we went to the famous Todaiji temple to see the massive Budha, Nara Deer Park (which was very timely, we got to meet Santa’s deers) But too bad Rudolph was not there. Apparently, he was busy 😀

Kidding aside, it was definitely a day well spent.

See how good the day was?!?! 😀
Taken by the best photographer! (Ryo) haha
Taken by the best photographer too (ME!!) 😀


It is great to see that the deers can walk and roam around freely and safely. They are used to being around a lot of people. They are all tame and friendly, but at times, a lot of them tend to surround you especially when they know you have what they want, the feeds. 😀

Sorry to bother you on your date 🙂                  
He wants something in my bag
Going solo?
Family?? hahahaha


I couldn’t help but feel amazed, impressed, and surprised to see how massive the temples and buddha are. I can’t believe that it’s been ages since they were built and constructed. Moreover, it makes me wonder how the ancient people managed to build huge structures as such considering how underdeveloped and less-advanced the technology is during their time.

There are deers everywhere
See how big it is?
The kid in me
2 girls smiling


How can we ever forget to munch and grab a bite! Definitely our favorite part of day! We can skip all except this! 😀

Green tea, warabi mochi, and mitarashi dango with red beans (PERFECT)


Since it started raining that night, we ended up having dinner at a nearby izakaya (just downstairs haha). Luckily, we also got to watch the yearly “Music Station Super Live 2018” while enjoying our beer and karaage 😀

Matsu Jun captured perfectly

There you guys! I hope we could get to travel and see what Japan offers from time to time. I promise to keep you updated as long as you stay around! haha 😀

Happy Holidays everyone!







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