- 流暢性
- 文法
- 語彙力
- リスニング
She was able to answer questions in complete sentences. She was also able to provide longer sentences and give more details regarding the topics discussed. In terms of grammar, she was quite knowledgeable with some grammar rules.
Although a few of her sentences and questions had to be revised, she was able to revise some of the sentences by adding articles and correct prepositions. When it comes to comprehension, she was able to understand simple questions, vocabulary words, and sentences. As for fluency, she had some pauses and was not able to respond right away as she was still thinking of the correct grammar and vocabulary words to use.
Regarding pronunciation, she needs to practice more on pronouncing English words comfortably. Areas for improvement:
-Grammar lapses
最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございました。以上が【第一弾】2021年3月にご入会いただいた生徒さんのご紹介でした。それではSee you around!